Going Green with Succulents

 Earlier this week, we had our very first cake talk held at Funan Showsuite. We did a live demonstration of a freestyle floral garden cake using buttercream flowers. It was little tough having to multitask with all the talking and caking. To be honest, half way through, we pretty much lost track of what to do/
We shared our journey and experiences (the ups and downs), and the reason behind our logos. While preparing our little booklet, I'd realise we have changed so many logos (5 to be exact). Each logo was a reflection of a phase and progression. Cupplets is coming to its 4th year, and we still can't believe it how time just sweep past just like that. We'd never make it a point to celebrate publicly when we passed the year's hurdle. I am not sure if we ever will put in the effort to, but for now we will just continue the custom. 

I could still remember very vividly (even the emotions) our first day with Cupplets, it was disheartening, and the space was pin drop quiet. We were aimless then  and we were struggling quite a bit. Being 24 then, we probably thought, this ain't going to last very long. Our minds were like , "damn we need to start looking at classified for jobs!" And then 1 year passed, and for a moment, we were grateful to survive through with the business. Every year, we acknowledged the year had passed, and think back the moments of how we first felt. Every year, when October comes close, our heart fills a little heavy for being another year older. We are and we will always be grateful for still being able to continue caking. We are happy to be able to share all this at our first cake talk. Its always a good feeling to reminisce back every journey. We have our fair share of mistakes, and we should never be shy of it. 

 And here it is, the cake we did from our live demostration. Phew! Glad it turned out well!

We hope to organize another round of cake talk soon!

Now, back to the topic! We have been going all crazy with succulents recently. We can't get enough of it, so we thought to share our succulent inspiration with you right here!!!

Get your eyes ready!

And this last one from us!

Our chocolate bowl terrarium!
What do you think?

Hope you get a little inspiration with going green!!

See you again in our next post!

Cupplets Team 

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