Trend Colors: Dusty Pink

We are all trying to beat the sun that is close to burning our brain cells. The heat seems to have gotten worse lately.  The humidity, oh gosh, has been polluting our senses for the past week. Thankfully for air con! Oh yes!

So back to trend colors! I remembered last year, olive green from the succulents & herb leaves seems to be a big pop in our color trend throughout.  The second half of the year, we dealt with alot of dusty blue. As an Americolor user, we understand the variety of blues they carry. Sometimes we just don't get the blue we want from the direct bottle! So you need to get your brain working on this. 

The color dusty - you kinda think of the color grey (from dusty, duh?!)
Yes, we blend the colors ourselves! You don't get the color you want, you just have to blend it on your own. 
1 drop of NAVY BLUE + a tinch of BLACK 
Your black coloring should never overpower your blue. Work with the ration 3 : 1  (blue: black). You can always create a concentrate color mix, and later add your plain buttercream to tone the intensity of the color you desire. 

 So back to this year's color trend! Yes, dusty pink (or rose)! *pop balloons* 
How should I describe it. Its a more tone down, more matured and definitely a chic color!
Yeap, we have a lot of different pinks. 

Let's take a look at the pink chart!

So how do I achieve DUSTY PINK (ROSE)!
Yes, we have been using alot of Americolor Dusty Rose. This, you can simply use straight from the bottle. The color is so popular, it gets out of stock so often! Yes I know, its sickening.

To achieve dusty pink, we work with the same formula as the dusty blue.
Due to the brightness of the pink, you can work with a small drop of pink and mix into your buttercream first. With your black, do the same to achieve a light grey color. Then mix a dollop of grey bc with your pink until you get the desired color. 

We would try to avoid pumping the coloring straight from the bottle and just blend it. This is just to avoid over-greying your pink. 

You should more or less get soft base color like this!
Remember: If you wish to lighten your pink color, add plain bc. Don't keep adding your grey bc into it. You are just going to turn your pink into pinkish GREY (its still a nice color though!)  Once you achieve the color you want, you can tone it down with plain white bc. 

Dusty Pink Ombre in rustic swirl!

A Smooth Dusty Pink ombre

A mix of dusty pink and coral floral cupcakes!

Still can't get enough of dusty pink?
Start trying out on your own!

Best of Luck!

Cupplets Team 

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